勇者無懼(Amistad1997,是一部真人實事改編、描寫美國早期黑白對立的電影,由著名導演史蒂芬‧史匹柏Steven Spielberg)監製並親自導演。史蒂芬‧史匹柏在本片中經常利用光束投射、光影鏡頭來影射或象徵事物。光,代表照明、奇觀與神秘、慾望與謎題;光,也象徵了追隨的目標物與類精神性的超越(SeeNigel MorrisThe Cineme of Steven Spielberg ,黃政淵譯,史蒂芬‧史匹柏的光與影,時周文化,p.398)。最後,領導叛變、爭取自由的辛克Cinqué向著陽光,踏上回家的旅程。
本片最具特色的是,這個真人實事的案件曾經上訴到美國聯邦最高法院(U.S. Supreme Court),並作成United States v. The Amistad1841)這個判決。本片並請來前大法官Harry Blackmun扮演當年主筆判決的大法官Joseph Story宣讀判決。
Freedom is not given. It is our right, at birth. But there are moments in histroy when it must be taken. 
AmistadLa Amistad,友誼號)是這艘1839年從古巴開到美國載滿非洲黑人之西班牙運奴船的船名。辛克Joseph CinquéDjimon Hounsou飾演)領導這些非洲人叛變並接管了這艘船。這群「叛徒」殺了二名船員以威脅剩下的船員把船航向非洲。可是,船員實際上卻沒往非洲航行而改向北走並抵達了美國東部海岸,被美國海軍攔截下來,53名非洲人被當成逃跑的黑奴而囚禁。
當地的檢察長(District AttorneyWilliam S. HolabirdPete Postlethwaite飾演)以海盜罪及謀殺罪(piracy and murder)將這些人加以起訴。
另外,國務卿(The Secretary of StateJohn ForsythDavid Paymer飾演)則代表當時正在競選連任的總統President Martin Van BurenNigel Hawthorne飾演)出面,代理西班牙皇后伊莎貝拉二世(Queen Isabella II of Spain)主張宣稱,根據條約(a treaty),這些非洲人是奴隸,而且是屬於西班牙的財產。
廢奴人士Theodore JoadsonMorgan Freeman飾演)與Lewis TappanStellan Skarsgård飾演)於是找來律師Roger Sherman BaldwinMatthew McConaughey飾演)幫忙這些非洲人辯護。
Baldwin抗辯:這些非洲人是在非洲被俘虜(captured)而被販賣的,而這在美國是違法的。他提出藏在友誼號被找出來的載貨文件作為證據證明,這些非洲人原來是葡萄牙運奴船泰科拉號(a Portuguese slave ship, The Tecora.)上的「貨物」。因此,這些非洲人是另一個國家的自由公民而非奴隸。
有鑑於這項證據的發現,Van Buren總統的人馬於是趕緊改指派比較年輕的Judge CoglinJeremy Northam飾演)來審理,料想他因為比較年輕,應該會比較容易被影響。不料,並未如其所預期。
結果,律師也是前總統John Quincy AdamsAnthony Hopkins飾演)從旁建議:要讓這個案件個人化的色彩更加凸顯BaldwinJoadson於是讓既懂英語又懂曼德語(Mende)的Ens. James CoveyChiwetel Ejiofor飾演)幫忙Cinqué翻譯,在審判庭上描述他的情形(story)。
可是,檢察長Holabird攻擊Cinqué說他被俘虜而關在Lomboko奴隸城寨(slave fortress)中,特別是被拋扔在珍貴貨物的船舷外,根本就是亂編的故事(tale)。
不過,熱心廢奴的西非中隊Captain FitzgeraldPeter Firth飾演)卻保存了Cinqué入寨紀錄的備份。而Baldwin則從泰科拉號的庫存顯示這些非洲人的數量曾減少了一半。Captain Fitzgerald解釋說,當運奴船被攔截(interdicted時會這麼做,把人推下海去,以脫除他們犯罪的證據。但在泰科拉號的情形則是,他們低估了這趟旅程所需要的糧食供給數量。
隨著緊張情緒的升高,Cinqué從他的位置站了起來,並重複呼喊「讓我們自由!」。結果,Judge Coglin判決支持這些人。後來,聯邦巡迴上訴法院也維持聯邦地方法院的判決。最後,唯有上訴到美國聯邦最高法院(Supreme Court),才能解決此爭議。
南方總統Van Buren要求上訴最高法院,前總統Adams剴切動人的辯護:The nature state of mankind is Freedom.
Senator John C. CalhounArliss Howard飾演)對Van Buren總統施壓之後,這個案件上訴到美國聯邦最高法院前總統Adams最初是婉拒出面代理本案的,但後來仍然挺身而出來幫忙。
在最高法院的法庭上,前總統Adams對釋放這些人的理由作了剴切且動人的辯護:這是本院有史以來最重要的案件。因為它涉及到人的本質為何?人的本質就是自由。是的,是自由。證據就是當自由一旦被奪走時,人會抗爭。他會掙脫枷鎖,他會攻擊敵人,他會嘗試再嘗試,不計成敗、不理偏見,就是要回家This is the most important case every to come before this court. Because what it in fact concerns is the very nature iof man.The nature state of mankind is Freedom. is Freedom. And the proof is the length to which a man will go to regain it, once taken. He will break loose his chains, He will decimate his enemies. He will try and try against all odds , against all prejudices, to get home. 最終,他成功了。
最後,Lomboko奴隸城寨被Captain Fitzgerald所指揮的皇家海軍給解放了。在把所有的奴隸趕出城寨後,他命令海軍用加農砲把城寨轟炸掉。然後,他寫了一封信給國務卿Forsyth說:「你講的對!Lomboko奴隸城寨並不存在!」嘲諷意味,溢於言表!
Justice Josephy Story主筆的判決理由
Justice Story主筆的判決文(7名出身南方的大法官贊同、1名出身北方的卻反對、1名未參與評議)最後說道:
Upon the merits of the case, then, there does not seem to us to be any ground for doubt, that these negroes ought to be deemed free; and that the Spanish treaty interposes no obstacle to the just assertion of their rights.
When the Amistad arrived, she was in possession of the negroes, asserting their freedom; and in no sense could they possibly intend to import themselves here, as slaves, or for sale as slaves. In this view of the matter, that part of the decree of the district court is unmaintainable, and must be reversed.
The view which has been thus taken of this case, upon the merits, under the first point, renders it wholly unnecessary for us to give any opinion upon the other point, as to the right of the United States to intervene in this case in the manner already stated. We dismiss this, therefore, as well as several minor points made at the argument.
Upon the whole, our opinion is, that the decree of the circuit court, affirming that of the district court, ought to be affirmed, except so far as it directs the negroes to be delivered to the president, to be transported to Africa, in pursuance of the act of the 3rd of March 1819; and as to this, it ought to be reversed: and that the said negroes be declared to be free, and be dismissed from the custody of the court, and go without delay.
不過,還要等二十幾年「南北戰爭(American Civil War)」後,President Abraham Lincoln1863年宣讀「解放宣言Emancipation Proclamation」後,才算還黑人自由之身,但也還是沒有真正的平等,因為有「普萊西訴佛格森判決Plessy v. Ferguson1896)」認為「隔離但平等Separate but equal)」在,因此,至少要等到「布朗訴教育局判決Brown v. Board of Education1954)」認為「隔離自始導致不平等(separate inherent not equal),推翻Plessy判決,正式廢棄「隔離但平等」這種觀念。但這又是另一部電影「隔離但平等(Separate but Equal1991)」所要講的故事了。

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